
Workshop on MRT Particle Transport Methodology and RAPID (June 6-8, 2018)

June 06, 2018

Workshop was attended by 10 participants (3 from VT). The outside organizations included the Joseph Stefan Institute of Slovenia, the North Carolina State University, the National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan, and the US Air Force. See a Picture of Participants.

The workshop was led by Prof. Haghighat, he was assisted by Prof. Walters from Penn State (invited), and two of his graduate students, PhD Candidate, Valerio Mascolino and Nathan Roskoff.

The workshop was sponsored by the VT Nuclear Science and Engineering Lab and the VT Office of Vice President of National Capital Region. The VT Continuing and Professional Education helped with the organization and conduct of the workshop.

The workshop participants are given access to the VRS-RAPID web application until the end of 2018 calendar year. For further detail about the workshop, please click here