
Dr. Rory Kennedy, Director of Glenn T. Seaborg Institute, INL, will talk on 'The DOE Office of Nuclear Energy Nuclear Science User Facilities'.

December 03, 2021

(10:30 am EST)


The Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) is a US Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) program established in 2007 to provide the nuclear energy research community with access, at no cost to the researcher user, to the specialized and often unique nuclear energy capabilities available to DOE-NE in the area of irradiation effects in nuclear fuels and materials. The NSUF operates as a consortium with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) as the lead and primary laboratory with additional Partner Facilities located at 18 institutions and 1 international Affiliate Facility. Currentcapabilities include a variety of nuclear research and test reactors, ion beam accelerators, hot cell post-irradiation examination (PIE) equipment, advanced radiologically qualified materials science PIE instrumentation in low activity laboratories, X-ray synchrotron, neutron and positron beam lines, and high-performance computing. The capabilities of the NSUF are directed towards supporting a single industry – nuclear energy. Proposals for access to capabilities through the NSUF are accepted through the annual competitively reviewed DOENE Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research (CINR) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) and the thrice yearly Rapid Turnaround Experiment solicitations. The NSUF strives to offer the most complete and state-of-the-art capabilities to the nuclear energy research user community and to that end NSUF invests in the nuclear infrastructure for facilities, equipment, and expertise. Finally, the NSUF has established and continues to develop and maintain databases to assist DOE and the nuclear community. These include the Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Database (NEID), the Nuclear Fuels and Materials Library (NFML), the Nuclear Energy Researcher Database (NERD), and the NSUF Projects database all of which can be exploited by the Combined Materials and Experiment Toolkit (CoMET) users aid. More at

J. Rory Kennedy is the Director of the US Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF), appointed in January of 2014, and recently appointed as Director of the Glenn T Seaborg Institute at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He has worked at INL since 1994 in many positions starting as a research scientist. Previous to his current positions, he was the National Technical Lead for Metallic Fuel Development in the Advanced Fuel Campaign of the Fuel Cycle Research and Development Program and Head of the Fundamental Fuel Properties Department. He received his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Northwestern University and subsequently worked for 7 years at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany, initially on an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. He is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society. His research interests include both fundamental and applied science of materials, focusing the last approximately 25 years on nuclear fuels and materials.